23 December 2009

Exploding Beers - Funny Commercial

Exploding Beers - Funny Commercial - Free videos are just a click away

Men Are All the Same

Men Are All the Same - Funny Commercial - The best bloopers are a click away

16 November 2009

SPB Wireless Monitor - WM

Spb Wireless Monitor is a complete solution for measuring data traffic via all types of connections and calculating network usage costs according to your data plan.

Spb Wireless Monitor Features:
* Per-application traffic and cost reports
* Warnings when exceeding spending limits
* Export to HTML and CSV
* 440+ pre-defined service plans
* Today screen plug-in

Version 3.0.1 (Dec 11, 2008):
* Connection status applet added
* Support for bluetooth connections added
* Bug fixes


07 June 2009

10 May 2009

Dove Evolution

I prefer girl without making-up...

06 May 2009

Arsenal vs Mtd. United (5/5/2009)

Amazing...two thumbs up for MU

24 April 2009

Lance Armstrong Nike Commercial

Well, I am inspired with his dedication...

18 April 2009

My Collection


Flower & Her



07 March 2009

Top 10 Reasons to Start a Business now

Do you have one good reason to start your business right now?

How about 10?

Regardless of what people around you (including the media) may say, right now is the best time to get into business. Just go back and look at the economic slowdowns throughout history. Most recessions in the post-World War II era last an average of 10 months, followed by growth cycles that last an average of 50 months.

What this means for the startup is there's no better time than right now to get going and start pursuing your business dreams--in anticipation of the next period of growth.

So with a nod to David Letterman, here are my top 10 reasons you should start your business now--despite the current downturn:

   1. Everything is cheaper.
   2. You can hire more and better-qualified people.
   3. People are looking to change suppliers.
   4. Ownership equals tax incentives.
   5. Family and friends don't want to (or can't) invest more money into the stock or real estate markets.
   6. Suppliers are giving better credit.
   7. You can get good PR by showing you are going against the trend.
   8. You can buy everything you need at auction.
   9. You can find great "low money" or "no money" down deals.
      And finally . . .
  10. You've lost your job, and you have to do something.

Sometimes, the best business decision is the one you are forced into, and the incentive (as well as need) for income is often enough to push those previously "on the fence" to strike out on their own. There's nothing wrong with being in this position; it simply means there is greater urgency to do something that will start to generate income as quickly as possible.

There you have it: my top 10 reasons to start your business in a recession. After all, the odds are on your side that the expansion will be many times more robust than the present slowdown.

There's no better time to start than the present, especially if people around you are more comfortable with their own list of reasons why they shouldn't start pursuing their own business dreams right now. It only means you'll be facing a lot less competition.

Quoted from: entrepreneur.com

5 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog Before Doing A Startup

Undecided whether you should follow the blogging trend? Or have you already blindly jumped onto the blogging bandwagon but unsure as to why you should continue? Read on for some tips from our resident contributor, Aaron Chua.

Aaron writes:

Here is what I always tell first time entrepreneurs: start a blog in your area first and aim to attract xxx number of readers before attempting the startup. To me, blogging is the best way to test your idea as well as is the ideal training ground for your subsequent entrepreneurial journey. Here are five reasons why:

Blogging tests your commitment and fosters discipline

Blogging forces you to gain domain expertise

Blogging forces you to be customer centric from day one

Blogging teaches you about how online marketing works

Blogging builds your connections

So, if you are a first time entrepreneur, do start a blog first. It is the cheapest test bed for your business. If you cannot make a blog work, you probably cannot make your startup work as well. Have fun blogging!

For more details, refer to this link >>> sgentrepreneurs.com

Petisi untuk Ratifikasi Konvensi Pengendalian Tembakau

Laporan Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) 2008 menyatakan bahwa Indonesia saat ini adalah negara terbesar ketiga pengguna rokok.
Lebih dari 60 juta penduduk Indonesia tidak berdaya karena terjajah kecanduan nikotin. Kematian akibat konsumsi rokok tercatat lebih dari 400 ribu orang per tahun. Konsumsi rokok di kalangan remaja meningkat 144% antara 1995-2004.

Rokok telah menggerogoti sumber keuangan rumah tangga miskin.
Data menunjukkan, keluarga miskin membelanjakan 12,4% pendapatannya untuk membeli rokok, dengan mengorbankan gizi keluarga, kesehatan dan pendidikan.

Lebih dari 70% anak Indonesia terpapar asap rokok, dan menanggung risiko penyakit akibat rokok. Saat ini rokok menjadi musuh utama bagi semua negara beradab.

WHO menetapkan Kerangka Konvensi Pengendalian Tembakau (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control - FCTC) yang telah diratifikasi oleh 160 negara.

Walaupun Pemerintah Indonesia turut menyusun FCTC, namun sampai saat ini belum meratifikasi.

Kami mendesak Presiden dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia segera meratifikasi/mengaksesi FCTC dan membuat Undang-Undang Pengendalian Dampak Tembakau untuk melindungi rakyat Indonesia, khususnya generasi muda.

Jakarta, 12 November 2008
Masyarakat Peduli Bahaya Tembakau

Anda ingin memberikan dukungan >>> http://www.lindungikami.org/

01 March 2009

Extraordinary Pantene Commercial

Girls...u must watch this !!!

NEW Heineken Commercial - verry funny

Now you can see the different between guys and girls...lol

15 February 2009

How To: Make Up For A Bad Valentine's Day

So you underestimated the importance of Valentine’s Day this year and failed to hit the proper heart-shaped mark. The wrath of your lady might be due to an obviously last-minute gift (we know you didn’t exactly slave over that gift card and box of conversation heart candies), your having forgotten the pesky holiday altogether, or any of a slew of other possible misdemeanors. Now you’re in the doghouse and cursing yourself for failing to properly worship at the altar of fat baby cherubs and overpriced flower bouquets.

Fear not! There’s still an opportunity to make up for a bad Valentine's Day. Follow these easy steps and you’ll be well on your way to getting back in the good graces of your girlfriend and grabbing yourself a piece of that extra-lovin’ pie that always gets served after a successful romantic holiday.

Acknowledge your mistake

You’re already on the right track with wanting to make things right with your girlfriend, but this isn’t the time to justify your good intentions with the old “you’re making a big deal about nothing” excuse. That attitude will spoil the plan and your girl will be able to detect the distinct odor of self-righteous douchebaggery from a mile away.

You might not understand the fuss over Valentine’s Day. You might even have a girlfriend who says she doesn’t understand the fuss either. But here’s the chocolate-covered catch: She’s allowed to talk about how she dislikes the holiday but still expect you to go the extra mile to celebrate it. Double standard? Maybe, but you guys are usually the ones reaping the benefits from double standards, so suck it up on this one.

Even the most independent women have that secret part of themselves that loves romance. No, we don’t want it every day, but Valentine's Day allows us one opportunity to indulge in these otherwise cheesy rituals, and we need your help to do it.

Once you’ve successfully fessed up to yourself, it’s time to fess up to your girlfriend. Your best bet is to start with an apology. You feel bad enough to want to make things right, so an apology should flow easily and sincerely and should endear her to your Valentine’s Day redux idea.

Don't try to redo Valentine's Day
This is crucial to getting forgiveness. Your girlfriend probably would have happily accepted most generic Valentine’s Day gifts on the actual day, but a heart-shaped box of chocolates that you bought at half-price at the drugstore the day after isn’t going to cut it now. It’s lame and will only remind her of your initial screwup. Your mission now is to totally knock her socks off with a well thought-out and unique surprise.

Is there a posh restaurant she’s been dying to go to? You're more likely to get a reservation on a Sunday evening anyway, and it will make an otherwise ordinary night special.

Has it been a while since the two of you spent some time alone? Plan a weekend getaway at a cute bed and breakfast or quiet beach resort.

Low on cash? It’s all about the personal touches in your plan, not how much cash you drop.

Can’t afford a fancy dinner out? Try making up for a bad Valentine's Day by cooking her an elegant meal at your place.

Not able to swing a mini-vacation at the moment? Think up some activity outside of your routine you’d both enjoy, like taking a day trip to a vineyard or going paint-balling.

Have a backup make-up plan

You have to prepare yourself for rejection when it comes to your make-up plan. She wants the compensation from you but she might be too stubborn to forgive and forget your original offense, so you have to be ready with a plan B. It’s all about being accommodating now.
If she refuses any of your initial ideas, try a backup plan that doesn’t require her participation at all.

Have a surprise lunch from her favorite restaurant delivered to her at work with a handwritten note from you. Schedule a massage for her and have the spa deliver the news to confirm it to her. The element of surprise coupled with thoughtfulness that proves you’re thinking only about her happiness should be enough to melt even the iciest of shoulders.

Valentine’s Day may be a little corny, but at its core it celebrates love and gives you the opportunity to show your girlfriend just how much you appreciate her. To make up for a bad Valentine's Day, all you need is a solid recovery plan and she'll be swooning. Just don’t forget it again next year -- then you’re on your own.

Jeweler Commercial

Love Rocks (String) - Zales Jewelers Commercial - The funniest bloopers are right here

Absolutely sweet and nice ad...

Compilation Funny Commercial

Compilation Funny Commercials - For more amazing video clips, click here

Soap Axe - Commercial

Soap - AXE Commercial - Click here for another funny movie.

12 February 2009

11 February 2009

Xbox Commercial - Banned

Porsche Commercial - I Love It

Funny Condom Commercial

vodafone Commercial

Superb free kick...


Creative soccer celebration


SBS bus captain slashed in JB transferred to Singapore hospital

SINGAPORE: A 29-year-old SBS Transit bus captain was robbed and slashed by two men in a bold robbery attempt in the southern Malaysian city of Johor Bahru on Tuesday evening.

The incident happened onboard Service 160 which had just left Kotaraya Shopping Centre.

It was headed to the Malaysian Customs Checkpoint when the assailants, believed to be in their 30s, boarded posing as passengers.

In a statement, SBS said that the parang-wielding robbers first approached a middle-aged Chinese woman and tried to rob her.

The passenger shouted for help which drew the bus captain's attention. The driver immediately stopped the bus and told the robbers to stop what they were doing.

The suspects then turned on the driver and demanded his wallet, which contained RM$260 and S$40.

The robbers took the wallet and slashed the bus captain several times on his upper limbs before fleeing.

The victim sustained a deep gash on his left wrist and a bone fracture.

He was rushed to a hospital in Johor Bahru, then later moved to the Singapore's National University Hospital, where he underwent surgery on Wednesday morning.

The three passengers on board were not injured.

SBS said this was the first time such an incident had occurred on its buses. It is currently assisting the Malaysian Police in their investigations.

Service 160 plies between Kotaraya in Johor Bahru and the Jurong East Interchange in Singapore and the journey usually takes about 70 minutes.

Quoted from: Channelnewsasia.com

10 February 2009

America's Got Talent 2008 (Acrobats) - Dont do it at home...


India to Pass China as Fastest-Growing Major Economy

All it the brighter side of the current downturn. India may pip export-dependent China in the last quarter of FY09 and emerge as the Fastest growing nation among all large economies.

As China's GDP growth rate dropped to 6.8% during the October-December quarter and is expected to go down further, the Indian government has become hyper-active to achieve at least a 6.5% growth in Q4 to register a win over China.

If India achieves a better growth rate than China even for one quarter, the message will go across to the world and help India in wooing foreign capital, waiting to chase growth stories. Already, government officials in India have been highlighting reports of a few investment analysts who doubted China's official GDP numbers and claimed that it could just be in the positive territory in the last quarter.

A secretary in the government of India confirmed to SundayET that India has a brighter chance of overtaking China in the last quarter of FY09, or Q1 in case of China which follows the calendar year.

"China is heavily dependent on exports and the way things are unfolding China's GDP for January-March quarter would be quite low. We have so far achieved 7.9% and 7.6% growth in the first two quarters, according to the provisional numbers. Though our Q3 number, to be announced by month end, is expected to be less than the comparable number in China (6.8% in Oct-Dec, 08), the softening of interest rates will stimulate demand and ensure a faster growth rate than China in Q4," he said.

Though the Chinese economy grew at 9% during 2008, down from the revised 13% growth rate in 2007, the last quarter number (6.8%) has made the Indian authorities hopeful that India might be able to pip China in GDP growth. As China's export constitutes 37% of its economy against 13% in the case of India, the recession in the developed world will make China suffer the most.

PM's economic advisory council (EAC) member Satish C Jha said he won't be surprised if India grew faster than China. "The situation in China is worse than us. Exports are drastically coming down and China is hit hard. Our economy is driven more by domestic demand and our rural economy is much more resilient than that of China. If our stimulus packages are implemented properly, I won't be surprised if India pips China in GDP growth," Mr. Jha said. 

Quoted from: http://www.businessweek.com

09 February 2009

Scene stealer: The aXXo files

Scene stealer: The aXXo files from The Independent

04 February 2009

Teacher Marrried His Student

Super funny...lol

Teacher Marrried His Student - The best video clips are right here

Monster.com is Latest Data Breach Victim

Tuesday January 27, 2009
Monster.com, the popular job-searching web site, has reported that attackers were able to compromise the Monster.com database and gain access to user information. With the job market in a freefall and tens of thousands more job cuts announced just this week, I am sure usage of sites like Monster.com are skyrocketing. According to this PC World article about the breach, "Monster.com user IDs and passwords were stolen, along with names, e-mail addresses, birth dates, gender, ethnicity, and in some cases, users' states of residence." Apparently since no credit card or social security number information was stolen, Monster.com is not subject to the same sort of disclosure laws as other data breach victims like TJX or Heartland Payment Systems.

The announcement from Monster.com is short on details, ostensibly because they are still investigating. They have not discovered any attempts to use or exploit the stolen data, but they have also not announced the number of affected users and they have implemented modified or additional security controls. Monster.com states in their alert message about the breach that they have no intention of sending emails to affected users or doing anything more than posting the announcement.

The PC World article states that Monster.com "advised users to change their passwords and reminded them to ignore e-mails they may get that purport to be from the company and that ask for password information or instruct the user to download anything."

Quoted from: http://netsecurity.about.com/

03 February 2009

Super Bowl Game Interrupted by Porn

In Tucson, GoDaddy didn't produce the most offensive half-minute of Super Bowl air time. Not even close.

After Larry Fitzgerald scored Sunday to put the Cardinals ahead late in the fourth quarter, Comcast Cable's subscribers saw the feed switch from local NBC affiliate KVOA to a pornographic film for about 30 seconds. According to reports, shocked viewers saw full male frontal nudity and heard outrageous dialogue from adult cable channel Club Jenna.

Those watching on satellite or other cable companies were unaffected. A Comcast spokeswoman told the Associated Press the company was "mortified." Jennifer Khoury also said, "Our initial investigation suggests this was an isolated malicious act."

Which, if true, would make it possibly the greatest prank in the history of pranks. And probably a felony, too.

02 February 2009

周蕙 - 不想讓你知道

I love this song so much...

31 January 2009

New Airbus joint-venture with China announced

European aeronautics giant Airbus announced Friday that it is to create a new joint venture to produce parts and composite materials in China.

"Airbus and a group of Chinese industrial partners today signed a contract which will lead to a joint-venture production centre in Harbin, China," the group said in a statement.

"This centre will produce parts and composite elements due for use under the A350 XWB programme and within the A320 family of Airbus craft," and will be operational come September this year, with a second plant due to open in 2010.

The shareholding will see 50 percent held by the Harbin Aircraft Industry Group Company Limited (HAIG); 20 percent by Airbus China; with Hafei Aviation Industry Company Limited (HAI), Avichina Industry et Technology Company Limited (AVICHINA) et Harbin Development Zone Heli Infrastructure Development Company Limited (HELI) each taking a 10 percent stake.

Airbus in September opened a new plant in the Chinese port of Tianjin, the the firm's first outside of Europe.

Quoted from: http://www.channelnewsasia.com

Personal comments:
Yeah...I think China is getting stronger and stronger. One think that I wish as an Indonesian, I really hope one day Indonesia can lift their economic level as high as Europe countries and the USA...Amieeennn!!!

29 January 2009

The Secret Life of Bees - 2008

Personally I felt the performances were outstanding. Alicia Keyes was wonderful,Queen was the pillar of strength, Hudson proved that her Oscar wasn't a fluke,but most importantly you are able to watch a cute and charming little girl actress give a phenomenal mature performance worthy of Oscar consideration. Dakota Fanning is a delight to watch.I wanted the story to end in a more positive manner.I believe that the end of the movie should have been when all the women are united on the steps with Lily,after her father leaves her behind.It is a very unique story and I believe many will be moved by these incredible talented women,whether black or white. It does have a few slow moments,but the film is intriguing in a way that made you desire to see more.Absolutely some of the most beautiful cinematic shots. Overall a great drama!

Afro Samurai Resurrection - 2009

Not for the faint of heart, this latest entry in the Afro Samurai series continues a tremendous effort in line drawing style animation, and may by some be seen as frequently a bit too abrupt in frame-to-frame action, but it manages to be so well aligned within the graphic novel genre (so that if you blink during sequences what you retain may be a panel by panel view of what the story needs, and what a comic reader wants). I give it the 10 of 10 full rating as a classic piece that works very well without the usual massive CGI effects most folks seem to expect these days in anything considered 'animated'. Yes, it is more than a bit bloody in nature, but contains a message 'of honor' and more fundamental - the message to carry on if you believe in something. Very well done, thank you Samuel Jackson for the terse comments from a no nonsense character. I highly recommend this film, but it is not for young kids...
