07 September 2012

SAP - How to change SAP Field Labels and Field Names

In some screens (e.g. When using SE16) you can experience that the field selections are shown with the field names instead of the field labels; hence do not make sense. E.g. It could be that the fields you are presented with have names such as SPRAS, WERKS and DISGR. To people having used SAP for some time (or speaking German) this might make sense, but if you are new to SAP it does not, so you need to know how to change your settings so you will have the field labels shown instead.

Changing this setting is surely basic information for someone who has been using SAP for a while. Still it is something an SAP beginner can spend quite some time looking for, so here is how the setting is changed:
Go to Settings (in the top menu) – select User parameters – choose the Data browser tab and change the radio button under the Keyword section from Field name to Field label. Clicking Enter, you will now have the Field labels instead of the Field names. Eg. SPRAS, WERKS and DISGR would now be presented as Language, Plant and MRP group, which make a bit more sense to some of us.

Resource: http://sapmmschool.wordpress.com/2010/02/15/field-labels-and-field-names/
